Improve Your Websites Health

Improve Your Website’s Health With These 20 Simple Actions.

If you’re a WordPress user then you would be happy to know about the health of your website. Have you ever checked the health of your website?

In this tutorial, you will learn all the basic things which should be done to improve your website’s health. There are millions of websites on the web and to compete with them, you have to improve your website’s health.

From security to the SEO, you should cover each and every aspect. A WordPress website consists many small things which can impact the health of your website.

An Effective Guide Is Here To Improve Your Website’s health.

When you start your blog, you may take care of many things including the SEO friendly permalink structure and the default posts.

Have you ever thought to look upon such things again? You should always be ready to maintain the proportion of your website’s performance.

Let me provide you the list.

1. Do You Backup Your Website Regularly?

This is not new for you, having the backup of your website is always important. What if you lose everything, the posts, images etc of your website?

You should be ready even for the worst scenarios. You can use any backup plugin or just backup your website manually.

2. Backup Your Database.

Only the content of your website won’t work. You have to backup the database of your website because, without it, you can’t restore WordPress site again.

Most of the security plugins provide an option to backup the database. You can even do that from the phpMyAdmin of the cPanel.

3. Check The Sitemap Regularly.

One of the most important things for the search engine is the sitemap. It guides the search engine about the content available on your website.

You can either use a separate plugin or a few SEO plugins provide an option to generate the sitemap. You can even prevent Google from indexing sitemap. You must check it from the Google Search Console regularly.

4. Check The Robots.txt File.

For beginners, it’s important to know about the robots.txt file and how to manage it. It’s just a simple text file with some code.

It helps the bots to crawl your website. Keep checking the errors and warning for this file and remove the crawl errors, if any.

There are a few WordPress directories which shouldn’t be crawled and indexed by the bots. You can maintain everything with this file.

5. Spam Comments Protection.

When you first install WordPress, you would get many spam comments. To get rid of it, you should install any spam comments protection plugin like Akismet.

And to improve your website’ health, you can use any CAPTCHA plugin or just a checkbox for the users while submitting the comment.

6. Security Plugin.

I have recently heard the sad new from one of my friends about the malware attack. It’s because of the absence of the security plugins.

You should always improve the WordPress security using any plugin. There are many plugins like All in one security, Buller proof security etc.

7. Website Speed.

One of the most important actions you can take to improve your website’ health is the speed. You should always take care of the page loading time.

Minify your website to boost the speed. Always use the optimized images and never install any poorly coded plugin.

8. Search Engine Indexing Settings.

A few people complain that the website got de-indexed from the search engine. There may be many reasons. When you install WordPress then you get an option of the search engine.

You shouldn’t check the checkbox to discourage search engine to index this website. Always check the search engine settings and keep it unchecked.

9. Keep Checking the “Contact Us” Page.

You should provide your readers an option to contact you. There are many contact form plugins which can be used to add a “contact us” page to your website.

If you’re using any premium theme which already consists the page then it’s one of the best features. Always check the working of the contact form.

10. Set Up The Menu Properly.

To improve your website’s health, it’s important to add a nice navigation menu to your website. A few websites have more than one menu.

The main thing is that your readers shouldn’t face any difficulty in finding the content. A website with the complicated menu isn’t favorable.

11. Maintain The Clean Design.

For a website, it’s important to have the perfect design which is easy to look upon. There are many website layout tips you should follow to build a professional website.

There are many things which should be kept in your mind when designing a website.

12. No 404 Error.

People don’t like to see a blank page with an error. You should keep looking to the Google Search Console for the pages which are showing the 404 error.

There are many ways to fix 404 error. Whether you redirect the old page to the new one or fix it with any plugin.

13. No Spelling Mistakes.

To improve your website’s health, you should look for the spelling mistakes in your blog posts. If you do a lot of spelling mistakes then it won’t look branded.

You should always maintain the brand of your website. Always try to maintain your blog’s authority.

14. Improve The SEO.

If you improve the SEO, the health of your website would automatically improve. Before writing your blog post, you should try to find the right keyword.

There are many SEO tips and tricks which can be followed.

Never underestimate the quality of the content. The quality s everything to focus upon. The heading should be attractive enough to get more exposure to your blog posts.

15. Create An “About Us” Page.

The people come to your blog and find out that you’re providing the quality content. What would they do to know more about your website and you?

They would search for the “about us” page. So, be prepared and create a new page which has the story of your blog and the blogger.

16. Don’t Forget The Domain Authority.

To improve your website’s health, you should keep the term “domain authority” in your mind. There are many factors which influence the domain authority of your website.

You should try to improve domain authority to get more health score. The age of the domain name and the backlinks have a major impact on that.

17. No Extra HTTP Requests.

It’s always recommended to reduce HTTP requests so that the health of your website can be improved. It’s because the numbers of HTTP requests are inversely proportional to the speed of your website.

Your browser will take more time while loading your website. There are many ways to reduce the requests.

18. No Extra Redirect.

Some WordPress users redirect everything to get rid of the soft 404 errors and more. They should first look to the URL they are going to redirect.

No extra redirect should be done. The more redirects will reduce the website speed. Keep analyzing the numbers of redirects.

19. Integrate The Social Media Platforms.

No doubt that people are using the social media platforms to spread the content of their website. You should add social media icons to your websites so that people can connect with your website.

Below each post, you should also add the social sharing buttons to get more exposure from the social networking websites. Always check the working of the buttons.

20. Check The AutoResponder.

A few bloggers use the autoresponders for their website. It may be for the comments or anything else. To improve your website’s health, you should keep checking their working.

Have You Taken The Necessary Steps To Improve Your Website’s Health?

Whether you look to the performance of your website or the SEO, you must keep in mind about the health. Though most of the factors are inter-related but still, a few things are different.

You must always check the plugins you use. The social sharing plugin, autoresponder, email newsletter plugin, any widget plugin etc.

To improve your website’s health, you should take care of all the extra things you’re using. If something goes out of the box, the health will decrease.

If you have anything extra then let the people know.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi,

    Great tips! I realized the importance of the database backup when one of my websites got hacked by hackers.

    I was lucky I had all my articles’ data, so I uploaded that again.

    That day, I learned an important lesson to take database backup every day.

    Thanks for sharing this informative post.


    Umesh Singh

    1. Hey Umesh,

      Bloggers make the mistake to leave the database and backup only the articles. But they should know that the database is handling everything. You have experienced it and then realized.

      Well, you were lucky.

      Thanks for sharing your experience.

      Have a great day.


  2. Hey Ravi,

    A great user experience on our site ensures that our visitors can find everything they’re looking for with ease and speed. It’s up to us to create a content-rich, meaningfully designed site that keeps our customers and partners engaged and returning for more.

    Speed matters, Every fraction of a second a visitor waits for our site to load, their frustration grows and that frustration is aimed at our brand. Images account for a significant portion of that load time. We need to make sure we’re not making our visitors download a gigantic image that’s only being used as a tiny thumbnail. Cheesy stock photography is the quickest way to turn a great site into a mediocre one. The typical user can spot a stock photo from a mile away, and it instantly devalues our website. Eventually, thanks for your wonderful thought.

    With best wishes,

    Amar kumar

    1. Hi Amar,

      The speed of your blog provides an amazing user experience. You should make sure that your blog loads faster. The theme you use should be perfect. There shouldn’t be any HTTP requests.

      Always look upon the images. Never neglect the power of optimized images.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Enjoy the day.


  3. Hey Ravi,

    Indeed great tips. We have to keep an eye on everything that affects the website and whatever you have mentioned here makes a sense, I remember a month back when one of my website was showing some errors, accidentally I saw that every page on website like about us, contact us etc was corrupted and was showing some coding lines in the header, that was due to a plugin, fortunately I got to know about that.

    Looking forward to read more of your blog brother.

    Cheers ?


    1. Hi Karan,

      Most of the time, people get frustrated because of the plugins. Whenever you get any coding error, the possibility is that the culprit would be any plugin.

      You should look for every part of your blog. Improve the health by keeping everything safe and perfect.

      Thanks for taking the time to comment.

      Have a great day.


  4. Hi Ravi,

    You’ve listed some very useful points in this post.

    Aside from the above-listed points, links pointing towards your pages too are part of what must be checked for better site health.

    If bad incoming links are pointing towards your site, it could result into a very negative health condition for the site and possibly lead to Google penalty.

    Is best to look both within and outside of your blog when analyzing for the health status of the blog.

    Thanks Ravi, nice share.

    1. Hey Shamsudeen,

      The worst thing is to have many errors on a website. You can’t stand with a website having many errors. Your readers don’t really go for that.

      Bad links are the turn-off.

      You should check the broken links of your website. Use the link checker plugin or the website.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  5. Hi Ravi,

    You highlighted two of the biggest problems I had with my blog as a beginner – backups and security.

    (a) I had innocently assumed that my hosting company was backing up my site. I’d probably even asked tham at the outset. They were only doing it occasionally, and the latest one they had was months old. I had a “backup” from one of the plugins (I forget which). It wasn’t the correct part and I had no idea what to do with it.

    (b) Despite trying every WordPress security plugin suggested by more experienced bloggers, my blogs were hacked, over and over again. I had tried everything. They looked perfect to a user facing reader, but if I went into FTP the files were interlaced with sites in a foreign language selling goodness knows what. This was undetectable to several of the file checkers.

    Both of these problems were solved by moving from shared hosting to managed WordPress hosting. It was more expensive (obviously) but for the time it saved – well worth it.

    This also had the effect of speeding up my site too, so I fixed several website health problems with one sweep.

    So my biggest tip is “get the right hosting”.

    Joy – Blogging After Dark

    1. Hey Joy,

      Most of the blogger do this mistake. They think that the web hosting is taking care of everything. There are many things which should be done by the user.

      The security of your website should harden. You should use the security plugin and many other things are there.

      There are many vulnerabilities in a WordPress site. You should never leave an used FTP account.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


  6. Hi Ravi,

    Smart tips! Speed’s a biggie. Resisted changing things like a dingbat LOL but I finally caved. New, fast, light theme, loaded 2 months ago, then I got a CDN too. Fast now. Pretty darn quick. For my taste ? Minifying on the regular makes a big difference. I usually stare listlessly at all those notifications in my backoffice hahaha….now I know to make updates quickly. Thanks for sharing!


    1. Hey Ryan,

      The speed is what you need to push your blog to the maximum comfort zone. People don’t like to wait. You know, the patience is the enemy of many.

      Minifying your website by using some tools is required.

      Thanks for taking the time to share your views.

      Enjoy your day.


  7. Hi Ravi,

    Amazing article. We have to regularly check all these points so that we can improve our website health. The website is very important as 90% people do online business and to succeed the business website health is most important.Thanks for sharing.

  8. Hi Ravi,

    Thanks for writing such an informative post. I completely agree with you on point no.15 “About Us” Page. In the era of digitalisation where personal branding is ruling the marketing world. We really need to put in the work and there is no better place than “About Us” page for a good start. I really appreciate your work.

    1. Hey Leena,

      To make your readers’ aware of you and your company, it’s important to curate a page which tells the story. There are millions of people with numerous of blogs from which you need to be the one.

      Forging your personal brand with your blog requires the time and efforts.


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